Enjoy my video impression of Padang Padang beach below.

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The location

Padang Padang beach lies south west of the peninsula. It has a very interesting location. As it lies at the bottom between two cliffsides.

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You can catch a glimpse of the beach down below from the connecting bridge between the cliffs.

Getting to Padang Pandang beach

When you are driving on the sort of “ring” road that gets you around all the spots in the western tip of the Peninsula,

you will automatically drive by the entrance of this beach. Depending from which direction you are coming, it will be inevitably obvious you are passing the beach. Because you will be driving over the only little bridge in the area, from which you can already catch a glimpse of the beach down below. As shown in the image above.

You can recognize the entrance from the little traditional Balinese gate that represents the entrance.

Right across from it you can find a large parking with plenty of space to park your motorbike. The parking fee is 1k IDR. But they tried to get me and the person in front of me to pay more. So just be aware of that.

The entrance fee to the beach is relatively expensive compared to any of the other beaches in the vicinity. It is 15k IDR per person if you are a foreigner.

The pathway to the beach is quite interesting. As originally there was one stairway leading you down to the beach. And that stairway led you straight through a narrow corridor through the cliffs.

But nowadays there is also another stairs that can more easily get you in and out of Padang Padang beach. That one basically is on your right when you come down from the entrance booth stairs.

And both stairs come together at the bottom.

But nonetheless, both staircases will lead you to Padang Padang beach.

The beachfront itself

The two limestone cliffsides, with the green backdrop, gives Padang Padang beach a very characteristic look.

Now the beach itself runs fairly deep into an alcove in the cliffside. With another stairs being present there. But I am not really sure where that stairs leads to.

The beach is also not that long. But as I said, it is fairly deep at the entrance part. So, it does provide plenty of space for people to sit. Most of the time there are quite some people. Especially foreigners.

On one side the beach is closed of by the cliffside. Where the water runs fairly deep underneath it.

And on the other side you have some natural rocks in the sand and in the water. Which have trees growing all over them. But be careful, as the rocks can be pretty sharp.

Now at the end, the beach is cut off by all these boulders in the sand. But to the left of it, there is one big rock that has some stairs that can take you up on top of it.

And there is even a little shrine on top of that boulder.

You can have a nice look out over the ocean from there. Or also have a little sneak peek at the cliffside villa’s.

What to do

There are not that many things to do at Padang Padang beach, except for the most obvious and of course the most important ones:

  • Chill at the beach: You can chill at the beach. It is not a very wide beach, but it is fairly deep. So there is plenty of space to lay down your blanket and enjoy the sun and the ocean water.
  • Surf: Like many of the beaches in the Peninsula, it is definitely possible to go out surfing in the waters here.

And that is Padang Padang beach.

Padang Padang beach drone view 1. Beachfront view.