Enjoy my video impression of Nusa Dua & Nusa Dua Beach beach below.

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The location

Nusa Dua beach can be found on the eastern side of the South Kuta peninsula. In the place called Nusa Dua. The location is mostly known for its grand five-star luxury seaside resorts. As back in the 70’s, Nusa Dua was established with the focus of making it such a luxury seaside bathing resort to attract foreign guests. So, when you go here you will notice an immediate difference, like night and day, between the Nusa Dua area, and the surrounding areas.

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Getting to Nusa Dua beach

To get into Nusa Dua, you will have to drive through one of the security checkpoints. Which I have never come across anywhere else on Bali to be honest.

There are 3 of them. A northern entrance, a southern entrance, and a middle one. If you take the middle one, which is also the largest one, you will immediately notice that the road leading up to the gate already gives away the impression that this is going to be something different.

The road starts to look better. The grass and trees around it are all well maintained. And a huge traditional gate pops up in the distance.

Once you enter Nusa Dua from the middle entrance, you immediately come across this amazing mandala roundabout. Which has many fountains…

and this amazing central statue.

Nusa Dua Sony camera view 1. Roundabout statue and fountains.

You immediately notice how much different and grander everything is set up. It really oozes luxury. As the roads are larger and better maintained, with grass and other vegetation all perfectly cut around it. There isn’t a single leave out of place.

Also the sidewalks are all perfect. And if you are familiar with Bali, you know they are serious if even the sidewalks are all in order. It is just a really stark difference with anything else on Bali.

Now all the large resorts provide beach side access, but if you are just visiting as an outsider, you will need to drive to the south side of Nusa Dua, where you will find a gate with a road sign saying “Jl Pantai Mengiat” to the left of it.

The road through this gate will lead you straight up to Nusa Dua beach.

When you arrive there. You will be greeted by golden brown sand and a beautiful clear blue ocean.

The beachfront itself

Nusa Dua beach is an absolutely amazing looking beach. With golden brown sand, and crystal clear blue ocean water. It is a real family friendly beach. With gentle waves hitting the shore.

The beach also stretches quite far along the coast. And there is a walkway all along the beach. So it is possible to walk all along Nusa Dua beach. All the way to Geger beach at the southern tip.

As mentioned before, this is all beachfront connecting to luxury resorts. So, all these beaches look really well maintained. It is one of the best maintained beaches you will probably come across in Bali.

And you will come across large resort complexes, and villa compounds all along the beach.

Now in the middle of Nusa Dua beach, you can find the Garden of Hope Peninsula.

Nusa Dua Sony Camera beach view 1. View towards Garden of Hope Peninsula and Nusa Penida.

This place is open for visitors. The only thing you need to pay for, is if you want to see the Water Blow at the far end. Which is a formation in the coast, that due to its configuration, splashes up water real high from the incoming waves. The entrance ticket is 25k IDR. You need to be aware that it is high tide when visiting. To be able to see some proper splashes.

But the peninsula in general is just a nice place to relax. It is a very quiet place with a large stone in the middle of it. Commemorating a tree planting done by many countries around the world.

And further in the back you can find a huge statue in the middle of a grass field. Which also looked like it was commemorating something but I am not sure what.

Besides that, there is a little alcove on one side. Which is nicely situated in the shadows of the trees during the day. And you can quietly overlook Nusa Dua Beach from there.

On the other side there is a helipad with an open patch of grass around it. Which provides a nice lookout over the ocean waves and the neighboring little peninsula.

What to do

There are not that many things to do at Nusa Dua beach. A lot of the activities for most people that are staying in Nusa Dua, are related to their resort facilities or the Nusa Dua accommodations. So for the beach itself it is mostly the basics. But it is done in an absolutely splendorous way:

  • Chill at the beach: This is probably the best maintained beach you will come across in the whole of Bali. It is well maintained by all the resorts in the area. It is a relatively deep beach which stretches far and wide along the whole of Nusa Dua. Offering the opportunity to sit back and relax wherever you want, and enjoy the beautiful gold sand and the smooth crystal clear ocean water.
  • Enjoy a cold drink and some local cuisine: All along the beach you are able to find small little restaurants. where you can enjoy a nice cold drink, or some of the delicious Indonesian cuisine.
  • Visit the Garden of Hope Peninsula & the Water Blow: The Water Blow is a bit of a tourist trap, but I would say the Garden of Hope is worth a quick visit. Just to have a little look around and enjoy the view over the waves and Nusa Dua beach itself.

And that is Nusa Dua beach.